Function createSecretNft

  • Name



    Creates a Secret NFT on chain.


    Secret NFT data combining the data from NFTCreatedEvent and SecretAddedToNFTEvent.


    • offchainData: string

      Off-chain related NFT preview metadata. Can be an IPFS hash, a URL or plain text.

    • secretOffchainData: string

      Off-chain related NFT secret metadata. Can be an IPFS hash, a URL or plain text.

    • royalty: number = 0

      Percentage of all second sales that the creator will receive. It's a decimal number in range [0, 100]. Default is 0.

    • collectionId: undefined | number = undefined

      The collection to which the NFT belongs. Optional Parameter.

    • isSoulbound: boolean = false

      If true, makes the NFT intransferable. Default is false.

    • keyring: IKeyringPair

      Account that will sign the transaction.

    • waitUntil: TernoaConstants.WaitUntil

      Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.

    Returns Promise<Nft.SecretNftData>

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