Function changeSubscriptionTerms

  • Name



    Changes the subscription terms for subscription contracts.


    ContractSubscriptionTermsChangedEvent Blockchain event


    • nftId: number

      The NFT Id of the contract to change the subscription terms.

    • rentFee: number

      The fee to rent the contract: a token amount

    • period: number

      The period of subscription before renewal

    • maxDuration: null | number = null

      The contract duration (in block). Optional, default is null.

    • isChangeable: boolean

      A boolean to make the contract updatable.

    • keyring: IKeyringPair

      Account that will sign the transaction.

    • waitUntil: TernoaConstants.WaitUntil

      Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization.

    Returns Promise<TernoaEvents.ContractSubscriptionTermsChangedEvent>

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